Affiliated to NTR University, Recognized by the Dental Council of India(DCI).



The mandatory academic curriculum formatted by Dental Council of India (DCI) for BDS is strictly followed by KIMS Dental college, Amalapuram campus. The curriculum has been designed to train the dental graduates to acquire adequate knowledge, necessary skills and reasonable attitudes which are required for carrying out all activities appropriate to general dental practice involving prevention, diagnosis and treatment of anomalies and diseases of teeth, mouth, jaws and associated tissues. The graduates are also trained understand the concept of community oral health education and be able to participate in the rural health care programmes existing in the country.


First Year BDS

1 Human Anatomy,Embryology & Histology Human Anatomy,Embryology & Histology
2 Human Physiology Human Physiology
3 Medical Biochemistry Medical Biochemistry
4 Oral Anatomy,Physiology,Histology and Tooth Morphology Oral Anatomy,Physiology,Histology and Tooth Morphology

Second Year BDS

1 Dental Materials Dental Materials
2 General Pathology General Pathology
3 General Microbiology General Microbiology
4 General and Dental Pharmacology and Therapeutics General and Dental Pharmacology and Therapeutics
5 Preclinical Prosthodontics Preclinical Prosthodontics
6 Preclinical Conservative Dentistry Preclinical Conservative Dentistry

Third Year BDS

1 Oral Pathology and Microbiology Oral Pathology and Microbiology
2 General Medicine General Medicine
3 General Surgery General Surgery
4 Public Health Dentistry  
5 Periodontics  
6 Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics  
7 Oral Medicine and Radiology  
8 Oral andMaxillo Facial Surgery  
9 Conservative and esthetic dentistry  
10 Prosthetics - Crown and Bridge,esthetic dentistry  
11 Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry  

Final Year BDS

1 Public Health Dentistry Public Health Dentistry
2 Periodontics Periodontics
3 Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
4 Oral Medicine and Radiology Oral Medicine and Radiology
5 Oral andMaxillo Facial Surgery Oral andMaxillo Facial Surgery
6 Conservative and esthetic dentistry Conservative and esthetic dentistry
7 Prosthetics - Crown and Bridge,esthetic dentistry Prosthetics - Crown and Bridge,esthetic dentistry
8 Pediatric and Preventive dentistry Pediatric and Preventive dentistry

Course Overview – MDS

MDS KIMS Dental College, Amalapuram strictly follows the MDS curriculum as given by Dental Council Of India. The college offers MDS course in various specialties of Dentistry, which include, Orthodontics, Prosthodontics, Conservative Dentistry, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.

S.NO Course Title Duration Eligibility No. of Seats Available
1 Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics 3 years B.D.S. 3
2 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 3 years B.D.S. 3
3 Orthodontics & Dento Facial Orthopeadics 3 years B.D.S. 3
4 Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge 3 years B.D.S. 2


  • The course shall be of 3 academic year duration, during which students are trained in clinical efficiency, laboratory work and research by experienced teachers. Each department is well equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment.
  • The training of postgraduate for degree shall be full time with graded responsibilities in the management and treatment of patients entrusted to his/her care.
  • The participation of the students in all facets of educational process is essential. Every candidate should take part in seminars, group discussions, case demonstration, clinics, journal review meetings, CPC and clinical meetings, symposia, conferences and lectures during each year as prescribed by the department. Every candidate should participate in the teaching and training programme of undergraduate students. Training should include involvement in laboratory and experimental work, and research studies.
  • Every Post Graduate candidate shall maintain a record of skills [Log Book] he has acquired during the three years training period, certified by the various Heads of Departments he has undergone training.
  • Every candidate pursuing MDS degree course is required to carry out work on a selected research project under the guidance of a recognized post graduate teacher. The results of such work shall be submitted in the form of a dissertation. Every candidate shall submit to the Registrar of the University in the prescribed proforma, a synopsis containing particulars of proposed dissertation work within six months from the date of commencement of the course on or before the dates notified by the University. No change in the dissertation topic or guide shall be made without prior approval of the University


The examination for M.D.S. courses shall be held at the end of first year (part I) and at the end of third year (part II).


The following requirements shall be fulfilled by every candidate to become eligible to appear for the final examination.

  • A) Attendance: Each year shall be taken as a unit for the purpose of calculating attendance. Every candidate shall have not less than 80 % of attendance in each year of the course. However, candidates should not be absent continuously as the course is a full time one.
  • B) Progress and conduct: Every candidate shall have participated in seminars, journal review meetings, symposia, conferences, case presentations, clinics and didactic lectures during each year as designed by the concerned department.
  • C) Work diary and Logbook:Every candidate shall maintain a work diary and logbook for recording his/her participation in the training programmes conducted by the department.
  • D)Dissertation:Acceptance of dissertation shall be a precondition for the candidate to appear for the final examination.


The written examination consists of

Paper 1 Examination for 1st Year MDS students is common to all branches and consists of Applied Anatomy, Applied Physiology and Applied Pathology, Bio statistics and Research Methodology is common to all the branches

Paper 2,Paper 3,Paper 4 Examinations will be conducted at the end of 3rd Year.

Practical Clinical Examination: In case of practical examination, it would be aimed at assessing competence and skills of techniques and procedures. It would also aim at testing student’s ability to make relevant and valid observations, interpretation and inference of laboratory or experimental or clinical work relating to his / her subject for undertaking independent work as a specialist.

Viva Voce: Viva-Voce examination will aim at assessing depth of knowledge, logical reasoning, confidence and oral communication skills. Duration of viva voce for each candidate is one hr.

Marks distribution:

S.NO M.D.S Marks
1 Theory (Each paper shall carry 75 marks) 75 X 4 300
2 Practical / clinical examination 200
3 Viva voce examination 80
4 Dissertation / Pedagogy 20
5 Total 600 Marks


To pass in the university examination, a candidate shall secure in both theory examination and in the practical / clinical including viva voce independently an aggregate of 50% of total marks allotted [150 marks out of 300 marks for theory and 150 marks out of 200 marks for clinical + 100 marks for viva voce together] A candidate who scores 360 marks & more out of the total 600 marks will be declared as passed with first class. A candidate who scores 450 marks and more out of the total 600 marks will be declared as pass in first class with distinction.


A candidate registered for 3 years MDS Post Graduate dental course must qualify in the examinations within five years from the date of his / her admission However, a candidate shall be permitted to undergo a further period of study and training of minimum six months duration in a recognised Post Graduate department in the speciality in an Institution approved by Dental Council of India for every subsequent appearance beyond five years up to a maximum of 2 appearances. The candidate should submit a certificate of study and training from the Head of the Institution to Controller of Examinations of this University along with his / her application for admission to every subsequent examination The candidates will not be, however, permitted to appear for more than 7 attempts in the final examination and shall be discharged from the course if he / she fail to pass in such attempts.


The students must be aware of the Vision and Mission of the College . They should be familiar with their departmental goals. Students should take all efforts to enable their department to achieve these goals. The following Rules and Regulations based on the present University regulations would be followed. These are subject to changes effected by the Institution from time to time. Violation of rules & regulations of the college will be strictly dealt with.