Affiliated to NTR University, Recognized by the Dental Council of India(DCI).

Criteria 05

Metric No File No File Description
5.1.1 5.1.1(1) e-copies of sanction letters from governement along with the list of students in A.Y 2021-22
5.1.1(2) e-copies of sanction letters from governement along with the list of students in A.Y 2020-21
5.1.1(3) e-copies of sanction letters from governement along with the list of students in A.Y 2019-20
5.1.1(4) e-copies of sanction letters from governement along with the list of students in A.Y 2018-19
5.1.1(5) e-copies of sanction letters from governement along with thelist of students in A.Y 2017-18
5.1.1(6) Policy document
5.1.1(7) Sample sanction letter for institution freeships
5.1.1(8) List of students benefitted during the assessment period
5.1.2 5.1.2(1) Documents for soft skill development activities
5.1.2(2) Documents for language and communication skills development activities
5.1.2(3) Documents for life skills activities
5.1.2(4) Documents for analytical skill development activities
5.1.2(5) Documents for human value development activities
5.1.2(6) Documents for personality and professional development activities
5.1.2(7) Documents for employability skills development activities
5.1.3 5.1.3(1) Documents for organised career guidance programmes and guidance for competitive examination in academic year 2021-22
5.1.3(2) Documents for organised career guidance programmes and guidance for competitive examination in academic year 2020-21
5.1.3(3) Documents for organised career guidance programmes and guidance for competitive examination in academic year 2019-20
5.1.3(4) Documents for organised career guidance programmes and guidance for competitive examination in academic year 2018-19
5.1.3(5) Documents for organised career guidance programmes and guidance for competitive examination in academic year 2017-18
5.1.4 5.1.4 Supporting Documents
5.1.5 5.1.5(1) Constitution and minutes of anti ragging committee
5.1.5(2) Constitution and minutes of prevention of sexual harassment committee
5.1.5(3) Constitution and minutes of student grievance redressal committee
5.2.1 5.2.1(1) List of students with their qualifying certificates for the A.Y 2021-22
5.2.1(2) List of students with their qualifying certificates for the A.Y 2020-21
5.2.1(3) List of students with their qualifying certificates for the A.Y 2019-20
5.2.1(4) List of students with their qualifying certificates for the A.Y 2018-19
5.2.1(5) List of students with their qualifying certificates for the A.Y 2017-18
5.2.2 5.2.2(1) Placement Cell Annual report and offer letters for A.Y.2021-22
5.2.2(2) Placement Cell Annual report and offer letters for A.Y.2020-21
5.2.2(3) Placement Cell Annual report and offer letters for A.Y.2019-20
5.2.2(4) Placement Cell Annual report and offer letters for A.Y.2018-19
5.2.2(5) Placement Cell Annual report and offer letters for A.Y.2017-18
5.2.3 5.2.3 List of students along with their e-copies of admission letters/Identity cards for progression to higher education during A.Y.2021-22
5.3.1 5.3.1(1) Certified list of students received awards in sports/cultural along with their e-copies of certificates during the A.Y.2021-22
5.3.1(2) Certified list of students received awards in sports/cultural along with their e-copies of certificates during the A.Y.2020-21
5.3.1(3) Certified list of students received awards in sports/cultural along with their e-copies of certificates during the A.Y.2019-20
5.3.1(4) Certified list of students received awards in sports/cultural along with their e-copies of certificates during the A.Y.2018-19
5.3.1(5) Certified list of students received awards in sports/cultural along with their e-copies of certificates during the A.Y.2017-18
5.3.2 5.3.2 Supporting Documents
5.3.3 5.3.3(1) Documents related to the organised sports and cultural competitions in the A.Y.2021-22 by the institution
5.3.3(2) Documents related to the organised sports and cultural competitions in the A.Y.2020-21 by the institution
5.3.3(3) Documents related to the organised sports and cultural competitions in the A.Y.2019-20 by the institution
5.3.3(4) Documents related to the organised sports and cultural competitions in the A.Y.2018-19 by the institution
5.3.3(5) Documents related to the organised sports and cultural competitions in the A.Y.2017-18 by the institution
5.4.1 5.4.1 Supporting Documents
5.4.2 5.4.2(1) List of alumni with their contributions for the assessment period
5.4.2(2) Audited statements
5.4.2(3) Certification letter indicating the donation of books, students placements and student exchanges for the last five years