Affiliated to NTR University, Recognized by the Dental Council of India(DCI).

Extended profile

S.No Metric No DVV Comments File No File Description
1 1.1 Please include all the students on campus in all the semester year-wise  All semester students year-wise. 1.1 Certified list of students during the assessment period
2 1.2 The final year students of different program in the years of assessment period should be considered here 1.2 Certified list of outgoing students during the assessment period
3 1.3 The first year students of different program in the years of assessment period should be considered here 1.3 Certified list of enrolled students for the assessment period
4 2.1 This is a year wise metric. Please consider the teachers working in the institution year-wise (Repeat counting in years allowed) 2.1 Certified list of full-time teachers for the last five years
5 2.2 Official letter of sanction of post from the statutory body or Government  Official letter from the Board of Management or Syndicate clearly mentioning the sanction of posts 2.2 Sanction Letters from the management
6 3.1 Extract of expenditure duly audited and certified by the Chartered Accountant/Finance Officer and Head of the institution 3.1 CA Certified audited statement