Oral Medicine is a dental speciality that bridges the traditional areas of health between Dentistry & Medicine . Oral Medicine specality of dentistry concerned with oral healthcare of patients with chronic recurrent and medically related disorders of oral and maxillo facial region. As said by WILLIAM OSLER , Mouth is Mirror of Systemic Diseases Oral Medicine specialist address the situation where a systemic disease is concerned with typical oral manifestations.
The oral medicine specialist has got the specialized training and experience in diagnosis & management of Oral Mucosal Disorders such as Oral Cancer, TMJ Disorders, Facial Pain,Infectious Disorders etc.. Oral potentially Malignant disorders were identified at the earliest and evolves the treatment which improves their quality of life.
Oral Medicine specalist has got the special training in managing many TMJ disorders , Facial pain disorders with the help of TENS therapy & Ultarsonic therapy.
Along with the Public Health Dentistry, this branch specially focus on patients possesing deleterious habits such as Tobacco usage and provides them Pyschological support in improving their longevity and quality of life.
The Department is spread over 4400 sq ft and it is the area where the patients are received with soothing reception. The field of Oral Medicine, Diagnosis and DentoMaxillofacial Radiology encompassess and management of Orofacial disorders.
Oral radiology was equipped with 4 intraoral units with digital compatibility and also advance imaging modalities like Radiovisiography. It also comparises of Panoramic and Cephalometric radiography along with Digital printer. Dept of Oral radiology in colloboration with Dept of Radiology KIMS Medical college works on advance imaging modalities like Ultrasound, CT,MRI for diagnosing all Specialised Conditions. Other advanced radiographic techniques like the sialography are also done in cases required. All the radiographic equipments are AERB certified and are handled by well trained staff so as to deliver quality radiographs for diagnostic purposes. All the radiographs taken are interpreted by the students and the staff and adequately reported. Adding an edge, it provide the scope of high research activity and evolves as a hub for centre of excellence.
- Identification of Oral manifestations of various systemic diseases
- Diagnosis & Management of oral mucosal lesions
- Diagnosis & Management of TMD & orofacial pain (Special orofacial pain clinic)
- Diagnosis & Management of potentially malignant disorders of oral cavity
- Diagnosis of oral malignancies
- Treatment of medical complications that can arise while treating systemically compromised patients and to take prior precautions/consents from the concerned medical specialists
- Radiographic interpretation and diagnosis of head and neck pathology
- Digital radiography with printing
- 3D- Maxillofacial Imaging General X-ray facility
Dr. Sumalatha M N
HOD & Professor
Dept of Oral Medicine and Radiology
B.D.S: Bapuji dental college and hospital, Davanagare, Rajiv gandhi university, Bangaluru,karnataka 1998-2003.
M.D.S: Kothiwal dental college and reasearch centre, Moradabad, Mahatama Jyothiba Phule Rohilkhand university, Barielly Uttar Pradesh, 2007-2010.
- Phani Himaja Devi Vaaka., Naren Kishore Rayudu., Gandikota Kartheek., Sumalatha MN Gadiputi Sreedhar and Sri Sesha Kameswari Vadrevu, a rare presentation of odontogenic keratocyst in posterior maxilla mimicking a residual cyst – a diagnostic dilemma; International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 12, Issue, 05 (D), pp. 41848-41850, May, 2021(ISSN: 0976-3031)
- Dr. Sumalatha M.N, Dr. Gadiputi Sreedhar, Dr. Phani Himajadevi Vaaka and Dr. Kartheek Gandikota.Solitary peripheral osteoma of the mandible: a case report.International Journal of Advanced Resarch 2021; 9(04), 194-196 (ISSN: 2320-5407)
- Areeba Shahid, Shivakumar Ganiga Channaiah, Neeta Misra, Sumalatha Masineni Narayanappa. Hidden wonders in a spit: Novel technologies for salivary diagnostics. Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology 2020;32:41-5.
- Dr. Puja Rai, Dr.Jasmeet Singh, Dr.Sumalatha MN. Assessment of awareness on radiation protection among dental practitioners: Across sectional study. International journal of dental sciences and innovative research, Volume-2, issue-6, page: 441-448, December 2019.
- Gargi Saran, Deepak Umapathy, Neeta Mishra, Shiva kumar Ganiga Channaiah, Sumalatha, Puja Rai. Globulomaxillary cyst in a 16 year old male patient- A case report with review. Journal of oral medicine, oral surgery, oral pathology and oral radiology, 2016;2(3):164-166.
- Anjum Sehar, Neeta Misra,Deepak U, Priya Singh, Sumalatha M.N. Lasers; soft tissue applications in dentistry. Inter-national journal of recent scientific research. Vol.8, issue 11, pp.21624-21627, November 2017.
- Sumalatha, M.N, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Shally Khanna,Ankita Tandon, Sumita Banerjee and Divya Sharma, Radiographic Evaluation of Mental Foramen To Assess The Age And Sex as an aid in Forensic Odontology International Journal of Recent Scientific Research.7(12), pp. 14806-14809, 28th Dec 2016.
- Sumalatha, M.N.,Gadiputi Sreedhar.,Pallav Singhal andAnu Garg: TongueUlcer Associatedwith Natal Teeth inan Infant- Riga-Fedes Disease;InternationalJournal ofRecentScientificResearch Vol.7, Issue, 10, pp.13540-13542,28th October,2016.
- Sumalatha.M.N, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Puja Rai, Neeta Misra, Saurabh Srivastava,Tanushri; Oral Cancer Awareness Among Dental House Surgeons – A Multicentric Study; InternationalJournal of Recent scientific Research;Vol.7, Issue-4,pp 9872-9874, 28th April 2016.
- Gadiputi Sreedhar, MasineniNarayanappaSumalatha, Gayathri Ramesh, Ramesh Nagarajappa, Aditii Murari, Ashutosh Agarwal, Dimorphic Mandibular Canines in Gender determination in Moradabad population of western Uttar Pardesh, Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences, Jan-Apr2015,7 (1), 32-36.
- Gadiputi Sreedhar, Masineni Narayanappa Sumalatha, Deepika Shukla, An Overview of the risk factors associated with multiple oral premalignant lesions with a case report of extensive field cancerization in a female patient. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 158 (20); 3 rd Jan 2014, 158-163.
- Gadiputi Sreedhar, Sumalatha.M.N, Intra Osseous Schwannoma-A case report:Journal of Pierre Fauchard Academy, Vol.26, March-2012, 22-25.
- Gadiputi Sreedhar, Sumalatha MN, Cheilitis Glandularis: A Case Report: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Vol-2, Issue-2, april -2011, 24- 27.
- Gadiputi Sreedhar, Sumalatha.M.N, Infantile Hemangioma of Upper Lip- A case Report: International Journal Of Dental Case reports, Vol-2, Issue-1, Jan-2012, 16-19.
- Sreedhar Gadiputi, MN Sumalatha. Branchial Cleft cyst or Cervical Lymphoepithelial Cyst In the Neck-A Case Report, JIDA, Vol-3,No.10, October2009, 354-356.
- Gadiputi Sreedhar, M .N. Sumalatha, Non Aggressive Central Giant Cell Granuloma in Mandible-A Case Report: JIDA, Vol 5, N,6, June2011, 728-730.
- Ramesh G, Ramesh N, Sreedhar Gadiputi, SumalathaM.N, Forensic Photography- An emphasis on bite Mark photograph. J Dent ResUpdates 2014Dec:1 (1): 39-41.
- Sreedhar Gadiputi, Sumalatha.M.N. Unicystic Ameloblastoma: Clinically Missed Diagnostic entity-3 case reports: Annals andEssence ofDentistry, Vol-III, Issue-2,Apr-June 2011,75-81.
- Gadiputi Sreedhar, Sumalatha.M.N, Infantile Hemangioma- A Case Report and Short review on its pathogenesis: Guidant, Vol-4,Issue-5, April2011, 56-58.
- Dr. Naveen Shankar, Dr. Ravipraksh, Dr. Sumalatha M.N, Dr. Ashwini Shankar. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of tongue. Inter-national journal of academic research.Vol.3, no.4, July 2011.
- S.M Ravi, Prakash, Sankalp Verma, M.N.Sumalatha, Sayan Chattopadhya. Oral manifestations of lipoid proteinosis: A case report and literature review. The Saudi-Dental Journal-25, 2013. 91–94.
- Intra Oral Periapical Radiograph
- Occlusal radiograph
- Orthopantamograph
- Hand wrist / TMJ/Oblique view
- Skull views and othe
- Body view ( Chest x ray)
- Printout of radiograph
- Sialography
- Biopsy
• The department is collaborating with the Tobacco cessation centre to assess the oral hygiene status of patients as well as to assess the dental awareness in patients.
• The department has collaboration with the Department of Oral Pathology where students examine patients for lesions and record cytological smears when required.
- General X-Ray
- Digital OPG with Printer
- Intra Oral Peripaical radiograph
- RVG – Radio Visiography
- TENS – Trans Cutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation Therapy
- Sialography
- CT