Affiliated to NTR University, Recognized by the Dental Council of India(DCI).

Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology

The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology is committed in training the undergraduates in Dental Anatomy and Oral Histology, Oral Biology, Oral Physiology and Oral Pathology & Forensic Odontology and more importantly the diagnosis of specimens received from Department of Oral Surgery and various sources (clinics & hospitals) as part of treatment or investigation.

The oral and maxillofacial pathology department provides a broad understanding of the pathophysiology and behaviour of oral diseases and a strong theoretical background in the area of students’ research interests along with the investigative procedures which are essential for diagnosis and the development of rationale treatment and preventive programs for the patients. In this department the Students receive rigorous histopathology training in oral, head and neck, and general pathology. They also learn to diagnose and treat patients with mucosal diseases. Emphasis is placed on microscopic and clinical diagnoses as well as the proper management of oral and maxillofacial lesions. The patient care is monitored by the laboratory which provides oral diagnostic histopathology service with histopathological analysis of biopsy specimens submitted.

Academic goals:

  • Acquire skills in identification and carving of deciduous & permanent teeth
  • Develop skills in age estimation using plaster casts of different age groups,
  • Identify dental anomalies through specimens and plaster casts and microscopic identifications of oral tissues as well as common oral lesions.
  • Identify pathologic conditions clinically and microscopically
  • Acquire skills in palatoscopy, cheiloscopy and bite mark analysis
  • To provide with knowledge and skills required in forensic odontology
  • Students are vigilantly observed, assessed and trained with regular class-tests and internal examinations
  • The teaching faculty is committed to a high level of excellence in publishing their academic work and interesting cases in national and international journals.
  • The department encourages students to participate in national webinars, conferences and events.

Dr. Gadiputi Sreedhar


Dept of ORAL & Maxillofacial Pathology

B.D.S: Bapuji Dental College and Hospital Davanagere. Karnataka, Kuvempu University, Shimoga, Karnataka.1993-1998.

M.D.S: A.B.Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental sciences. Mangalore.Karnataka.Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health sciences.Bangalore.Karnataka.1999-2001.


  1. Phani Himaja Devi Vaaka., Naren Kishore Rayudu., Gandikota Kartheek., Sumalatha MN Gadiputi Sreedhar and Sri Sesha Kameswari Vadrevu, a rare presentation of odontogenic keratocyst in posterior maxilla mimicking a residual cyst – a diagnostic dilemma; International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 12, Issue, 05 (D), pp. 41848-41850, May, 2021(ISSN: 0976-3031)
  2. Dr. Sumalatha M.N, Dr. Gadiputi Sreedhar, Dr. Phani Himajadevi Vaaka and Dr. Kartheek Gandikota.Solitary peripheral osteoma of the mandible: a case report.International Journal of Advanced Resarch 2021; 9(04), 194-196 (ISSN: 2320-5407)
  3. Fasahat Husain, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Jiji George, Abhilasha Shukla, Ahmad Danish Rehan, Ankita Singh.Assessment of micronuclei frequency in exfoliated buccal mucosal cells inType-2 diabetes patients with tobacco chewing habit: A histopathologicstudy Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research |Vol. 8|Issue 3| March 2020;( (e) ISSN Online: 2321-9599; (p) ISSN Print: 2348-6805)
  4. Ritika Sharma, Singh NN, Sreedhar G. Dermatoglyphic findings in dental caries and their correlation with salivary levels of streptococcus mutans and lactobacillus in school going children in and around Moradabad. J oral maxillofac pathol 2018; 22: 360-6 ([print-(0973-029X, online-1998-393X)
  5. Sumalatha, M.N, Gadiputi Sreedhar: The knowledge and Attitude of Dental Students Towards HIV/AIDS Patients. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol.9, Issue,7, pp.28162-28164 , July, 2018 ( ISSN-0976-3031)
  6. Gadiputi Sreedhar, Jiji George, Abhilasha Shukla,Tanushree Vijay Srivastava,and Ankita Singh: Comparison of S Mutans Counts and SIg-A Levels in Cesarean v/s Vaginally Delivered Children and Their Association with Caries Incidence. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol.9, Issue,5(E), pp.26816-26820 , May, 2018 (ISSN-0976-3031)
  7. Ankita Singh, Sreedhar Gadiputi, Jiji George, Abhilasha Shukla, Vaubhav Vashishta, Negi M, Anthropometric study using craniofacial features to Determine Gender in Lucknow Population. J. Forensic Dental Sciences 2017, 9:120-124 (ISSN-0975-1475)
  8. Ankita Singh., Jiji George., Gadiputi Sreedhar and Vaibhav Vashishta. Comparative evaluation of knowledge, attitude and practice towards HIV/AIDS in HIV seropositive and healthy individuals International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol.8, Issue,3, pp.16112-16116 ,28th March, 2017 (ISSN-0976-3031)
  9. Singhal P, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Singh NN, Sharma D, Bannerji S, Gowhar O. Evaluation of histomorphometric changes in tissue architecture due to fixation delay. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol10th April2017; 21(1):70-5.(ISSN- print-(0973-029X, online-1998-393X)
  10. Sumalatha, M.N, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Shally Khanna, Ankita Tandon, Sumita Banerjee and Divya Sharma,Radiographic Evaluation of Mental Foramen To Assess The Age And Sex as an aid in Forensic Odontology. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research. 7(12), pp. 14806-14809, 28th Dec2016 (ISSN-0976-3031)
  11. Sumalatha, M.N., Gadiputi Sreedhar., Pallav Singhal and Anu Garg: Tongue Ulcer Associated with Natal Teeth in an Infant- Riga-Fedes Disease; International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 7, Issue, 10, pp. 13540-13542, 28th October, 2016 (ISSN-0976-3031)
  12. Ankita Singh, Jiji George, Gadiputi Sreedhar and Vaibhav Vashishta : Gender based comparison of knowledge, attitude and practice towards HIV/AIDS In HIV-seropositive and healthy individuals.International Journal of Recent Scientific ResearchVol. 7, Issue, 10, pp. 13590-13594, 28th October, 2016 (ISSN-0976-3031)
  13. Sumalatha.M.N, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Puja Rai, Neeta Misra, Saurabh Srivastava, Tanushri; Oral Cancer Awareness Among Dental House Surgeons – A Multicentric Study; International Journal of Recent scientific Research; Vol.7, Issue-4, pp 9872-9874, 28th April 2016 (ISSN-0976-3031)
  14. Pallav Singhal, Narendra Nath Singh, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Sumita Banerjee, Manu batra, Anu Garg, Evaluation of Histomorphometric Changes in Tissue Architecture in Relation to Alteration in Fixation Protocol – An Invitro Study: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Aug, Vol-10(8): ZC28-ZC32 (ISSN- Online : 0973-709X Print : 2249-782X )
  15. Sumita Banerjee, Narendra Nath Singh, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Saikat Mukherjee, Analysis of the Genotoxic Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation using Buccal Micronucleus Assay: A Comparative Evaluation. Journal of Clinical Diagnostic Research; 2016, March Volume-10, Issue-3 ZC82-ZC85 (ISSN- Online : 0973-709X Print : 2249-782X )
  16. Ankita Singh, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Jiji George; Incidence of mast cells in gingival & periapical inflammation- a kaleidoscopic study;. Journal of Clinical diagnostic Research ; May 2016 10(5): ZC06-ZC08 (ISSN- Online : 0973-709X Print : 2249-782X )
  17. Pallav Singhal, Narendra Nath Singh, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Manu Batra, Sumita Bannerji, Soumi Ghanta;Punica Granatum v/s Lawsonia Inermis: An in Vitro Anti-Fungal Study. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Vol. 03, No. 03, July - September 2016A-201-A-205 (ISSN- Print-2394-6466 Online: 2349-6983)
  18. Ankita Tandon, Narendra Nath Singh, V.R. Brave, Gadiputi Sreedhar; Image analysis assisted study of mitotic figures in oral epithelial dysplasia and squamous cell carcinoma using differential stains;Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research 6 28th September 2016 S18-S23. (ISSN-2212-4268)
  19. Shilpi, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Mohd.Shafi Dar, Anurag Baghel, Ankita Singh, Manjari Sonam, Cytogenetic Biomonitoring among Petrol filling Station Workers; A Haematological and Micronuclei Study. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research; Volume-3, Issue-7, July 2016 ICV 50.43; 2060-2063 (ISSN- (online) 2393-91SX; (Print) 2454-7379. 2060-2063)
  20. Shilpi, Shaleen Chandra, Fahad M Samadi, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Jiji George, SH Thippeswamy. Comparison of Morphometric Parameters in Suprabasal Cells in Epithelial Hyperplasia, Leukoplakia,and Squamous Cell Carcinoma an Image Analysis; International journal of Contemporary Medical Research. 2016 3(8) 2307-2309 (ISSN- (online) 2393-91SX; (Print) 2454-7379. 2060-2063
  21. Gadiputi Sreedhar, Masineni Narayanappa sumaltha, Gayathri Ramesh, Ramesh Nagarajappa, Aditi Murari, Ashutosh Agarwal, Dimorphic Mandibular Canines in Gender determination in Moradabad population of western Uttar Pardesh, Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences, Jan-Apr2015,7 (1), 32-36 (ISSN-0975-1475)
  22. Sachin Gupta, Narendra Nath Singh, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Nimish Agrwal, Abhishek Singh,: Reimpaction: A Rare Case and Its Management, Chronicles of Dental Research. Vol-4(2): Page no. 53-55, March 2015 (ISSN-2278-8603)
  23. Mohammad Shafi Dar, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Abhilasha Shukla, Prashant Gupta, Ahmad Danish Rehan, Jiji George, An Invitro Study of Antifungal Drug Susceptibility of Candida Species isolated from human immunodeficiency virus seropositive and human immunodeficiency virus seronegative individuals in lucknow population Uttar Pradesh; J Oral Maxillofac Pathol vol.19, No 2, 205-211 May-Aug 2015 (ISSN- print-(0973-029X, online-1998-393X)
  24. Ramesh G, Nagarjappa R, Sreedhar G, Sumalatha MN (2015) Facial Soft Tissue Thickness In Forensic Facial Reconstruction: Is It Enough if Norms Set?. J Forensic Res 6: 299, Vol-6, Issue 5, 2015 (ISSN-2157-7145)
  25. Shally Khanna, Narendra Nath Singh, Vera Rosaline Brave, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Anupam Purwar, Alok Srivastava; Training Module for Cheiloscopy and palatoscopy in Forensic Odontology. Journal of Forensic Dental sciences 6(1), 36-41, 25th Feb 2014.(ISSN- 0975-1475)
  26. Gadiputi Sreedhar, M Vijaya Raju, Kiran Kumar Metta, SM Manjunath, Sujan Shetty, Rakesh Kumar Agarwal, Immunohistochemical analysis of factors related to apoptosis and cellular proliferation in relation to inflammation in Dentigerous and odontogenic keratocyst,Journal of nature science, Biology, and medicine. 5 (1) 18th Feb 2014. 112-115 (ISSN- print, 0976-9668; online, 2229-7707)
  27. Gadiputi Sreedhar, Masineni Narayanappa Sumalatha, Deepika Shukla, An Overview of the risk factors associated with multiple oral premalignant lesions with a case report of extensive field cancerization in a female patient. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 158 (20); 3rd Jan 2014.158-163 (ISSN-1213-8118)
  28. NN Singh, M Singh, G.Sreedhar, P Singhal, Melanotic Neuroectodermal Tumor of Infancy: Presentation of a case:SRM Journal of Research in Dental Sciences, Vol-5, Issue-2, 07/05/2014. 123-126 (ISSN-0976-433x)
  29. Ramesh G, Ramesh N, Sreedhar Gadiputi, Sumalatha M.N,..Forensic Photography- An emphasis on bite Mark photograph. J Dent Res Updates 2014 Dec:1 (1): 39-41 2394-417X and eISSN NO. 2394-4188.
  30. Shally Khanna, Anupam Purwar Narendra Nath Singh, Gadiputi Sreedhar, shailendra Singh, Saurabh Bhalla, Cytogenetic Biomonitoring of premalignant oral lesions by Micronuclei assessment: a screening evaluation, European Journal of General Dentistry, 3(1), 46-52, 1st Feb 2014 (ISSN-2278-9626)
  31. Dr. Shally Khanna, Dr. Narendra Nath Singh, Dr. Gadiputi Sreedhar, Dr. Anupam Purwar: Histo-diagnostic and Surgical Approach for Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma on Postero-lateral Border of Tongue - a rare case report;IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS),Volume 5, Issue 2 (Mar.- Apr. 2013).63-68 (e- ISSN: 2279-0853) (p- ISSN: 2279-0861).
  32. Ankita Tandon, Narendra Nath Singh, Gadiputi Sreedhar: Revealing anti-cariogenic efficacy of smokeless tobacco: A pilot study. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Vol. 17 Issue 1 Jan - Apr 2013, 57-60 [print-(0973-029X, online-1998-393X)
  33. Ankita Tandon, Narendra Nath Singh, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Minor Salivary Glands and Dental Caries: Approach towards a new horizon. Journal of Natural Science, Biology, and Medicine: Vol-4, issue-2, July-2013. 364-368(print, 0976-9668; online, 2229-7707)
  34. Shally Khanna, Narendra Nath Singh, Vera R Brave, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Anupam Purwar, Shalini Gupta, Oro-facial Syndromes: An approach Towards Etiopathogenesis, Diagnosis and Management- A systematic Review: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial pathology; 16/03/2013:4(1), 15-25.( 2231-2250)
  35. Raman Kant Sinha, Vijay Kumar, Narendra Nath Singh, Krishnadeo Prasad, G.Sreedhar, Sumanta Kumar Kolay, Desmoplastic ameloblatoma- A Review of 54 Published cases; J Clin Den Res Edu. April-June Vol-2 (3) 06/03/2013;45-50 (2320-446X)
  36. Shally Khanna, Narendra Nath Singh, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Anupam Purwar, Shalini Gupta: oral mucous extravasation cyst: case series with comprehensive and systematic review on differential diagnosis Int J Dent Case Reports; March 2013;3(1) 17-27 ( 2231-6337)
  37. Neelakshi Singh Rallan, Mandeep Rallan, Narendra Nath Singh, Shreedhar Gadiputi: Nasolabial cyst mimicking inflammatory cyst CASE REPORT BMJ Case Rep 18/09/2013,1-4 (1468-5833)
  38. Gadiputi Sreedhar, Sumalatha.M.N, Infantile Hemangioma of Upper Lip- A case Report: International Journal Of Dental Case reports, Vol-2, Issue-1, Jan 2012. 16-19 ( 2231-6337)
  39. Gadiputi Sreedhar, Sumalatha.M.N, Intra Osseous Schwannoma-A case report: Journal of Pierre Fauchard Academy, Vol.26, March-2012;22-25 (0970-2199)
  40. Sumita Banerjee, G.Sreedhar, N.N.Singh, Orofacial Hemangioma: Diagnostic Dilemma, Journey Revisited- A review of Literature: Chronicles of Dental Research, Vol-1, Issue-1, 2012. 11-14 (2278-8603)
  41. Gadiputi Sreedhar, M .N. Sumalatha, Non Aggressive Central Giant Cell Granuloma in Mandible-A Case Report: JIDA, Vol 5, N, 6, June2011. 728-730 ( 0974-3960)
  42. Gadiputi Sreedhar, Sumalatha MN, Cheilitis Glandularis: A Case Report: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Vol-2, Issue-2, 27/04/2011,24-27 (2231-2250)
  43. Sreedhar Gadiputi, Sumalatha.M.N. Unicystic Ameloblastoma: Clinically Missed Diagnostic entity-3 case reports; Annals and Essence of Dentistry, Vol-III, Issue-2, Apr-June 2011, 75-81 (0975-8798).
  44. Gadiputi Sreedhar, Sumalatha.M.N, Infantile Hemangioma- A Case Report and Short review on its pathogenesis: Guidant, Vol-4, Issue-5, April 2011, 56-58(0976-2248)
  45. Singh.N.N, Brave (Mrs.) V.R, Sreedhar G, Tandon A. Bilateral Unicystic Ameloblastoma-A Case Report: Journal of Pierre Fauchard Academy, Vol.24, June2010,76-80 (0970-2199)
  46. Ritika Sharma, V.R.Brave, N.N.Singh, Gadiputi Sreedhar: Role of Corticosteroids in Dentistry: Guidant, Vol-3, Issue 2, January 2010, 17-19(0976-2248)
  47. Narendra Nath Singh, Mrs V.R Brave, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Kanika Sethi: Bioengineered teeth- Futures Calling-A Review. Guidant, Novenmber2010, 70-73 (0976-2248)
  48. Narendra Nath Singh, Ankita Tandon, Gadiputi Sreedhar, Gayathri Ramesh: Spontaneous Oral Cancer Regression-A Review of Literature: Guident, October 2009,10-12(0976-2248)
  49. Sreedhar Gadiputi, MN Sumalatha. Branchial Cleft cyst or Cervical Lymphoepithelial Cyst In the Neck-A Case Report: JIDA, Vol-3, No.10, October 2009, 354-356(0974-3960)





Dept of ORAL & Maxillofacial Pathology

BDS – Vishnu Dental College & Hospital, Andhra Pradesh DR NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada.

MDS – Vishnu Dental College & Hospital, Andhra Pradesh DR NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada.

PGDFAO –Yenepoya Dental College & Hospital, Mangalore Yenepoya University, Mangalore, Karnataka.


S.No Title of the Articles Journal Details
1 Identification of Candida species in type 2 diabetic patients using three different staining techniques Journal Histotechnology
2 Newer avenues in the era of molecular biology, diagnostic and prognostic application. Journal of medical sciences
3 Determination of ABO blood grouping from dentine and pulp by absorption-elution technique. Advanced Human Biology
4 Role of platelet rich fibrin (PRF) in the regeneration of osseous defects in the jaws. International Journal of Current Research
5 Bar Connector Ratained Overdenture: A Superior Mode of Rehabiltation of Partially Edentulous Arch: A case Report International journal of Preventive & Clinical Dental Research
6 Modified Mandibular Metal Stock Tray-for proper access to Lingual Sulcus on Mandibular Cast International journal of Preventive & Clinical Dental Research



Dr. B. Sankeerti Mala

Assistant Professor

Dept of ORAL & Maxillofacial Pathology

BDS – Govt. Dental College & Hospital, Hyderabad DR NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada

MDS – Rungta College of Dental Science and Research Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Science & Ayush University of Chattisgarh


S.No Title of the Articles Journal Details
1 Pattern self-repetition of fingerprints, lip prints, and palatal rugae among three generations of family: A forensic approach to identify family hierarchy Journal Of Forensic Dental Science
2 Racial, Occupational, and Cultural Variations in Human Teeth: Teeth as Evidence in Forensic Identification International Journal of Forensic Odontology
3 Epidermal growth factor receptor as an early diagnostic marker of oral squamous cell carcinoma: Marking the line between severe dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma Dentistry and Medical Research
4 Neonatal Line as a Tool to Investigate Neonaticide Cases - A Review of its Genesis and Structure Forensic Science and Addiction Research
5 Forensic Facial Reconstruction to Identify Skulls-A Review Forensic Science and Addiction Research



Dr. G. Sanjeev Anand

Assistant Professor

Dept of ORAL & Maxillofacial Pathology

BDS – S B Patil Dental College and Hospital, Bidar, Karnataka Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka

MDS –Vishnu Dental College & Hospital, Andhra Pradesh DR NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada


S.No Title of the Articles Journal Details
1 Comparison of the bite mark pattern and intercanine distance between humans and dogs Journal Of Forensic Dental Sciences
2 Pericoronal radiolucencies with significant pathology: clinico- histopathologic evaluation Biomedical Journal
3 Evaluation and Comparison of Micronuclei from Intraoral Smears of Petrol Pump Attendants and Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Journal

Laboratories and Facilities:

  • The department has a well-equipped histopathology lab for tissue processing with special stains to facilitate precise and accurate diagnosis for an appropriate treatment plan.
  • The department has also established a full-fledged hematologic laboratory where blood investigations for patients can be done.
  • The department has a well maintained museum with a display of a variety of specimens, models and charts for teaching and learning activity in the department.
  • The department has a well-equipped pre clinical lab with binocular microscopes for the students to identify the basic histology and pathology slides.
  • The department has a seminar room for the Students to participate in discussions and present seminars in Oral Anatomy & Histology and case studies in oral pathology

Research and collaborations:

  • The department is collaborating with the Tobacco cessation centre to assess the oral hygiene status of patients as well as to assess the dental awareness in patients.
  • The department has collaboration with the Department of Oral Medicine where students examine patients for lesions and record cytological smears when required.

Research Publications:

  • The novel application of Lateral Cephalograms as an anti mortem report in forensic identification – a pilot study : Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences – Under Editorial Review
  • Hepatic cysticercosis of wistar albino rats as an unintended finding – An Experimental Study : Open Veterinary Journal - Manuscript submitted

Upcoming Research studies:

  • Determination of the biometric characteristics of palatine rugae patterns in Amalapuram population: A cross-sectional study
  • Cheiloscopy and Palatoscopy in human identification and sex determination: Among population of Amalapuram city
  • A demographic study of Lip print patterns among South Indian populations : An Observational study

Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Department Photos
